Coding increases children's attention span

How long is the attention span?
The attention span of the little ones increases capacity for 2-3 minutes per year. That is, the average attention span of a:
- 3-year-old is approximately 6 to 9 minutes.
- 4-year-old is approximately 8 to 12 minutes.
- 5-year-old is approximately 10 to 15 minutes.
- 6-year-old is approximately 12 to 18 minutes.
Generally, children increase their concentration when they are interested in the activity/game. Activities that require the brain and cognition engagement increase children’s attention, such as coding. Games that require movement, such as Simon Says, also entail their full attention. These types of games help develop children’s gross motor skills, including core strength, coordination and balance, and even cognitive skills.
However, these characteristics differ with a child with ADHD. Firstly, if your child is occasionally not concentrating for a short period of time, or because of discomfort, frustration, anxiety, you cannot assume that’s a sign for having ADHD. ADHD is when your child cannot concentrate on one thing and keeps jumping around from one activity to the other every minute, for prolonged periods. If your child is always like that, you should kindly seek professional advice.
Screen Time
Surprisingly or not, screens actually shorten the child’s attention span! The act of staring passively at a screen without engaging any skill, neither motor nor cognitive ones, is not entitled ‘concentration’.
Controlling screen-time is extremely important to help your children concentrate better at school and in activities that are beneficial for their health, mentally, physically, emotionally, and developmentally.
WonderEd was found based on the fact of how much screen-time was evident to be harmful for children as it encouraged the act of controlling screen-time for children. Coding was initiated upon this act, where children are not only playing for the sake of fun, but also to enhance their cognitive, motor, and emotional skills.
Coding with Ed and Edina is a so-called thinking game. The young coders are unconsciously obligated to elevate their higher-order thinking and concentration. Therefore, the more the coding, the higher the attention is!